
We have talked to so many of our teachers who are infusing the Dignity Revolution Challenge and we’re heartbroken with the pain and loss that this year has brought us all. Those who are in person have struggled to connect deeper because of new sanitation practices and having to have all of their items ready[…]


How can you cultivate a healthy life that you are not just growing but thriving? We were meant to thrive and part of that is creating a healthy culture that embodies the value of every person. Each and every person has the opportunity to grow and learn about themselves and others. At Dignity Revolution, we[…]


2020 has come to an end and has been a difficult year. It has stifled many opportunities and impacted lots of relationships. This year might have felt like a whirlwind, as things were changed and virtual and distance learning became the new norm. We want to make sure that teachers, staff, and students are taking[…]

Strategies for Better Health

This school year is continuing with challenges that we have never faced before. The mental health and wellness of our students needs to continue being our primary concern. Have you become more innovative than ever? We are in an ever changing market that demands us to become flexible problem solvers in this season. The burdens[…]

Take Back 2021 Like a Boss!

Yesterday, as we were discussing the events at our Nation’s Capitol, one of my students commented “I’m tired of living in unprecedented times… Can’t we just go back to 2014?” And a part of my heart felt the same. 2021 has already hit many of us with personal pain, uncertainty and frustration. Anger and sadness[…]

A Grateful Perspective

Thanksgiving and Christmas is over but our gratitude doesn’t have to be. Finding time to appreciate the goodness in our lives takes practice. Just like exercise, you need to practice your gratitude muscles. When you continue to do this you can rewire your brain towards positive emotions rather than the negative feelings of anxiety, depression,[…]

Family Time

During the holiday season did you take time to unplug and just be? Did you take time to play charades with your family and put your phones away as you enjoyed a yummy meal? These are crucial in building bonds and healthy relationships. For example, at my house, my girls are very good at reminding[…]


When students have gone through trauma, learning is severely hindered. In this season, there is a lot of compounding existing unaddressed traumas in our students lives. Each part of a students brain is altered when they experience trauma. We are living in a world that the layers of trauma are building and the students who[…]

2020 Memory

Is anything ever as good as we remember? I believe we tend to live in the glass half empty and remember with a glass half full. We pine for a glory of yesterday while bemoaning the imminent dread that accompanies the daily taxing of our essential responsibilities. The year 2020 presents a unique opportunity to[…]


Are you taking care of yourself? During this season it is easy to put your needs below as you try to help others walk through this season. As a teacher you are probably overly tired, short tempered and just wanting to shutdown or disconnect. Do you feel like this? Are you lacking motivation yourself? These[…]