It’s hard to describe the feelings today. Mourning is probably what I am experiencing. As I sit at my desk at school preparing to leave for more than a month…and, who knows, maybe longer…I weep. I didn’t get to say goodbye to my little ones. I don’t know if they are ok. I don’t know who is watching them. I don’t know. Thanks to my son and many teachers who are amazing with help and support, I have the necessary tools to teach my babies online. But are they ok? Are they afraid? Will I ever hear Giovani laugh or Ashley sing or Judah crack a joke or Abeeha’s chatter or see Bridget’s shy smile? Teaching online is a necessary solution. But I already miss the interaction, the jokes that make them groan, the silly wiggles and the penguin dance. Teachers are not happy about this forced “vacation.” Not because of the work and the stress of educating children online, but because we will not be doing what we do best: building relationships, giving a hug, sharing a smile, sensing a mood, loving a child. Please know that we are mourning with all of you. Take care of yourselves. We want to see you soon. In the meantime, I send all my teacher love to all my students and to all the families and other teachers suffering through this pandemic. I cannot tell you how much I love you. We’ll get through this together.