Most people find themselves asking this at one point or another. As we watch friends and family members change careers, develop new interests, and make a few mistakes, we start to wonder if we all have a purpose or if we are just going through life without any direction, meaning, or significance.
However, the short answer to this question is “yes – every person has a purpose.”
Some people know from a very early age what kind of career they would like, whereas others find it much more difficult to decide. Some people are interested in many things, whereas others have very specific likes and know how they would like to pursue them.
Yet, sometimes we human beings forget that purpose goes beyond vocation; our purpose can be shown through the impact we leave on other people. This may mean that we simply show up to work and do our job to the best of our ability. Then, through a different social group, hobby, or organization you are a part of, you are able to help people or serve a mission bigger than yourself to make positive change in the world.
Be assured that just because you may not have the job you want or even know what job you’d like to have, that does not mean that you do not have purpose or that your life does not have meaning. You are so valuable to this world and, even if you do not see it yet, you have value and you have a purpose that will make a difference in the world.